From Clinician to Copywriter

I tried the “normal” physical therapy career path.

Board Certification. Fellowship training. Full Time Clinical Practice. Students. I even co-wrote a text book, taught con-ed, and became faculty for 3 different doctor of physical therapy programs.

But like many clinicians, corporate healthcare has burned me out. Big time.

So in 2019 I created a digital business to help a population I cared about: musicians.

My clinical experience easily prepared me to teach them how to prevent and recover from injury. But I had to learn a whole new digital business skill-set.

The skill that made the biggest impact on my business was also the one that was the hardest to learn: copywriting.

At first I was terrible at it.

Writing my landing pages, sales pages, email sequences, product and service descriptions, ads and more took so much time and energy.

That energy often felt wasted.

Despite all the time I put into, the results weren’t very good.

My landing pages and sales pages didn’t convert. My ads didn’t perform.

I knew that what I had to offer was good. The feedback from the few people who did purchase from me was outstanding.

But sales were few.

I had an expensive hobby, not a business.

I almost gave up, but I’m glad I stuck with it.

I kept learning, writing, and tracking my results.

My writing gradually improved. And as it did, so did my conversion rates and my revenue.

Then something surprising happened.

I found I liked copywriting better than I liked creating educational content, coaching, or working with patients.

I’m assuming I’m an outlier in that respect.

I’m betting that you would rather have a successful business based on your passion and expertise than be a copywriter.

I’m betting you would rather get all the benefits of copy that converts, without the time, effort, and expense necessary to get proficient at writing it.

I’m betting you would rather focus on showcasing your hard earned expertise and using it to help your clients, customers, and audience achieve their goals.

I want to help you.

I want to take my 17 year background in healthcare, fitness and wellness and combine it with my 5 year copywriting journey to help transform your business into the business of your dreams.

I’m just getting started in my freelance journey, so for now my prices are very low, my effort level will be very high, and I’m offering a money back guarantee.

You’ve got nothing to lose.